Ten tips for a better creative experience

There's no shortage of ideas in the world. Companies are flooded by ideas that never find a way out. We're told ideas are the lifeblood of business, but only if they see the light of day. And they are pointed at a commercial objective. So, let's talk about the tricky bit – getting the idea right and getting it made.

We know a bit about what it takes to get to good ideas and what stops them in their tracks. We hope these tips will help more ideas make it through the barriers.

1. Get closer – show the team the real problem they need to solve, not just for the specific task but how the outcome ladders up to the big picture and business strategy. Creative ideas can transform a business - best to set off in the right direction.

2. Get closer again – small teams make great things happen. The best ideas feel like ownership is blurred between problem-owners, thinkers and doers. Work collaboratively to grow ideas and make them real. It's inspiring to see what a client, strategist and creative working seamlessly can get done.

3. Be fluid – no one needs long and linear any more. It's depressing how much flab and waste comes with a traditional agency process. Nimble and fluid teams, with the experience to smash through the barriers, produce the treasure. Creative ideas might come from lateral leaps, but they only live when executed precisely - and that works best when the thinking and the doing are in sync.

4. Get the briefing right – the act of writing a brief clarifies the task and leads to better work. It avoids false starts and time-consuming reworks. Yet, as the world gets more complicated, so do briefs. Rather than hold off until you’ve found that elusive thinking time, why not try shaping the brief with some experienced thinkers. As long as they're not a hammer when you don’t need a nail.

5. Go deeper – finding insights isn’t straightforward, but when did easy lead to great? Thankfully there are tried and tested places to look – audiences, competitors, culture, market conventions, and of course, the business. Every company has something special that makes people sit up and take note. It can be buried deep or need fresh eyes to spot. Once found, the right gem makes all the difference – it sums you up and sets you apart.

6. Value openness – ask to be challenged and enjoy being made to feel uncomfortable – it’s the sign you’ve onto something original. (Or, perhaps something wrong, but you’ll know the difference). And be open in return – with knowledge, time and feedback – being direct, even if it’s negative, is appreciated.

7. Expect graft to get craft – the execution makes all the difference. Skilful and motivated by pride, creators and makers will deliver. Give them some time, challenge them to make it great, and they’ll do just that.

8. Set solid expectations – what type of work do you want to do together? What does great look like to you? How do you want to work? A frictionless project starts by getting the approach and ways of working right. Figure out what works best for you.

9. Forget the formula – while it would be easier to have a recipe for creativity, it just doesn’t exist. It’s always been a blend of art and science. Coming up with ideas isn’t actually that hard. Coming up with ideas that fit the brand like a glove, energise audiences and work as a piece of communication, that takes a wee bit to learn.

10. Have fun – work with people as passionate as you are, welcome those who complement your team and bring joy and excitement to the party. It's a proven fact that great ideas happen when people are having fun together.

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